The Food Innovation Center (FIC) in ISU Cauayan Campus, is a food processing center with common service facilities for product development and packaging. It will serve as a one-stop-shop for food research and development and technology transfer for would be adopters and beneficiaries.
It aims to add value to food products to become competitive and to transform the agriculture-based Cagayan Valley into a food processing haven to improve the region’s local food products to reach a sizeable share of the local, national and international markets.
The Food Innovation Center (FIC) will be a leading research and development center of standards and excellence in food innovation and technology serves producing quality and safe food products in the country and in the ASEAN region.
The Food Innovation Center (FIC) is committed to produce technologies and innovative quality food products satisfying customer’s needs and services for sustainable development of the food industry.
- Product Quality and Process Improvement
- Product Development
- Packaging and Labeling
- Technology Transfer
- Equipment/Facility Utilization
- Technical Trainings
- Food Innovation and Product Development
- Packaging and Labeling
- Food Safety, Basis GMP and SSOP
Locally designed and fabricated, such as the High Impact Technology Solutions (HITS) Equipment, and other available equipment for food processing and packaging will be made available for use by a cooperator/beneficiary firm(s) on agreed terms and conditions based on the following scheme:
Shared-use: the faculty and students, MSME food processors and other food establishment use equipment alternately or jointly for specified schedule
Toll processing/packaging: the use of the facility or equipment is on “as required/need” basis and for specific period.

Business Intelligence Research and Development Center

Cagayan Valley Agricultural and Aquatic Resources Research and Development (CVAARRD)

Cagayan Valley Small Ruminants Research Center

Cagayan Valley Cacao Development Center

Food Innovation Center

Philippine Mungbean Center

Cagayan Valley Program on Environment and Development

Water Research and Development Center

Regional Center for Innovation and Teaching Excellence

Upland Development Center

Cagayan Valley Cattle Artificial Insemination Research and Training Center

Climate Change Center

Center for Organic Agriculture Research Extension and Training