The URDC envisions to be the leading institution in upland and rural development in Asia with special focus on: Upland Technology Transfer, Buffer Zone Management, and Landscape Ecology and Rehabilitation.
The mission of URDC is to restore the productive, protective and ecological functions of the uplands through:
- Effective technology transfer
- Improved co-management systems of natural resources
- Improved dynamics of upland-lowland interactions.
The overall goal of URDC is to mainstream and institutionalize the practice of sustainable land use systems in the uplands of Region 02, particularly along the buffer zone of the Northern Sierra Madre Biogeographic Area, with focus on knowledge building, technology transfer, capacity building, and policy advocacy.
The specific objectives of the URDC are:
- To continuously build up data base and body of knowledge in managing the uplands and other natural resource endowments for community assets formation and improved environmental services,
- To establish models of integrated upland farming and other sustainable land use systems, aimed at demonstrating the economic and ecological viability of different technology “mix” that can sufficiently meet the subsistence and cash needs of a typical upland farm household,
- To package, organize, implement and evaluate training and other capacity building courses at all levels,
- To serve as repository and referral of information on upland resources management and other related concerns,
- To serve as information/decision support system for program/ project planners, LGUs, policy analysts, administrators, and concerned groups, and
- To establish networks and partnerships with different research and academic institutions and programs involve in upland resource development.

Business Intelligence Research and Development Center

Cagayan Valley Agricultural and Aquatic Resources Research and Development (CVAARRD)

Cagayan Valley Small Ruminants Research Center

Cagayan Valley Cacao Development Center

Food Innovation Center

Philippine Mungbean Center

Cagayan Valley Program on Environment and Development

Water Research and Development Center

Regional Center for Innovation and Teaching Excellence

Upland Development Center

Cagayan Valley Cattle Artificial Insemination Research and Training Center

Climate Change Center

Center for Organic Agriculture Research Extension and Training